Table of Contents Fiction Clark Hansbarger, “Hobbies” Barbara Quinn, “In The Lane” Audrey Fleming, “Honeymoon” Mark Winegardner, “Reilly” Poetry Mary...
Table of Contents Prose John Gilgun, “Mother Bear” Don B. Cullimore, “The Double Cross” Leonard Orr, “Les Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire” Joyce Renwick,...
Table of Contents Annual Phoebe Awards For the Wild Cape Gin Walk Lady Maxine Kumin, “Gin for the Lady” Kate Gleason, “Practices” Tim Darby, “The Dirty Lounge...
Table of Contents Poetry Mike Rumfelt, “Medie Marion Beauty Ivy” Bonnie Hoverman, “Prayer of the Farmer’s Wife” Barbara Inman, “Two Poems” Margaret Gibson,...
Table of Contents Fiction J. Patrick Lewis, “Running Swine” Jeanne McDonald, “Family Man” Jonathan Bowen, “Harbor” John L.F. Hopkins, “Recollection”...
Table of Contents Poetry Greg Grummer Contest judged by Charles Wright, winner: Sonya Posmentier, “Mumtaz on the Death of her Daughter” Greg Grummer Contest judged by Charles Wright,...
Featuring work by Alison Cobb, S. Kort, Simon Perchik, Brian Young, Nick Lawrence, Douglas A. Powell, Graham Foust, David Baratier, Michael Robbins, Kathleen McGookey, Wendy S. Walters, Emily Lloyd,...
Featuring writing by Kati Fargo, John Blair, Kurtis Davidson, Phong Nguyen, M.D. Baumgartner, Angus Bennett, Eliza Rotterman, Karen Anderson, Martin Corless-Smith, J. Michael Martinez, James...
Featuring work from Bernadette Mayer, Greg Evason, David Meeker, Jill Robin Sisson, Amanda Lenk, Jen Coleman, Jessica Grim, Christopher Putnam, Russell Edson, Lisa Isaacson, Timothy Shea, Janet C....