From Issue 29.2 Marilyn F. Moriarty The only excess on Inishmore was in the people — in their talking, in their music — and last night what music there was with noisy old ballads, raucous...
Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting Kevin Powers Little, Brown and Company, April 1, 2014 Reviewed by Jonathan Maule The Weight of What Remains: A Review of Kevin Powers’ Letter...
Meet Me Here at Dawn by Sophie Klahr YesYes Books, December 1, 2016 ISBN: 978-1-936919-42-0 Reviewed by Anatoly Molotkov Sophie Klahr doesn’t offer much biographical information on her...
The Missing Girl Jacqueline Doyle Black Lawrence Press, 2017 ISBN: 978-1-62557-983-6 When it comes to narratives on missing and abducted girls, we normally explore titillating, abhorrent, and violent...
Margaret Cipriano We believed in starting small so we examined ourselves in the light of a hundred different kitchens, and with stunning alacrity, concluded we were just some planetary ache. A...
The Brand New Catastrophe Mike Scalise Sarabande Books, 2017 260 pp. The writer who chooses memoir as a medium faces a daunting challenge: to ground himself in the personal—in a specific,...
Madeleine Wattenberg In Which I Play the Runaway Rochelle Hurt Barrow Street Press, 2016 ISBN 978-0-9973184-2-5 Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the differences between establishing voice...
2016 Pushcart Prize We are pleased to announce our 2016 Pushcart Prize nominations! Fiction Nominees Siamak Vossoughi, “The Lie and the Truth” Miranda...
noun | cor·us·ca·tion | \ˌkȯr-ə-ˈskā-shən, ˌkär-\ Definition: 1: a sudden gleam or flash of light 2: a striking display of brilliance or wit As a child, nothing seemed so...