Category: Features


2024 Spring Fiction Contest Winner Idaho Wolves by Kath Richards 2024 Spring Nonfiction Contest Winner The Lyric Ear by Megan J. Arlett 2024 Spring Poetry Contest Winner self-portrait with three...

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The Process and the Witchcraft: An Interview with Nick White

by K.R. Mullins K.R. Mullins: Thank you so much for speaking with us! I want to start this off by just asking a little bit about your relationship to craft. How do you think about your process of...

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The Court of No Record by Jenny Molberg—Book Review

by Susan Muth & Tori Reynolds The tradition of the confessional mode is both continued and made anew in Jenny Molberg’s third book, The Court of No Record (LSU Press, 2023). Through documentary...

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Hungry Deer and Pissed off Gardeners: An Interview with Erika Howsare

by Ashlen Renner I don’t know what is going on with my TikTok algorithm, but I’ve been getting a lot of deer videos on my For You page: Deer crashing through convenience store windows, doorbell...

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 Purchase a copy of Issue 53.1 here Fiction I Don’t Want Me Either by Carly Alaimo No One is Coming to Save You by Sarah Bradley The Bayou by Amy DeBellis Stray Bullets by Lacy Arnett...

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Jen Frantz after Mary Ruefle   Let’s go to church, I said. My lover didn’t want to go to church. It smells like a hospice in there, he said. So we walked together in the direction of the train...

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Acorns in the City

Gregory Calabro after Marianne Moore   drop from treetops          onto the harsh sidewalk in turn—                      tens,                     ...

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2023 Spring Fiction Contest Winner Parrot by Maeve Barry 2023 Spring Nonfiction Contest Winner All the Dust Falling by Abigail Ham 2023 Greg Grummer Poetry Contest Winner Pastoral Fragment by Rachel...

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Issue 52.2 is Here!

It’s finally here – our 2023 Spring Contest issue! Thanks to our readers from George Mason University’s MFA and BFA programs in Creative Writing, our intrepid genre editors,...

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Permission to Obsess: An Interview with Tyler Mills

By Susan Muth and Tori Reynolds I was lucky to get the chance to sit down with Tyler Mills to discuss her chapbook City Scattered: Cabaret for Four Voices (winner of the Snowbound Chapbook Award) and...

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