Last modified: August 16, 2024
Phoebe Literature| August 20, 2024| Features, Online Issue Pieces, Online Issues, Visual Art
Oil painting and retracing collage digital art
Ghayad Khatib’s journey intertwines art, architecture, and cultural preservation within the complexities of Palestinian identity. As a Palestinian woman living under the constraints of the 1948 division and within an apartheid state, she offers unique insights into academia and artistic expression. She explores history through art and architecture, engaging in immersive fieldwork, research, and collaboration to uncover narratives of identity and preserve cultural heritage and folklore. She captures this layered existence in both theoretical (research) and physical presence (design), and art as a record of history. She aims to capture it in its raw spirit of reality and emotional narratives, and to criticize it as well.
Last modified: August 16, 2024
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