Crafting Truth: the “New” Journalism of Dick Reavis
“I read pamphlets and Marx in college,” he noted. “Not Esquire.” In both his writing and lifestyle, Reavis is a bit of a daredevil, willing to risk his life...
BOOK REVIEW: Look! Look! Feathers by Mike Young
The twelve stories that make up Mike Young’s debut, Look! Look! Feathers do a couple of shitty things to us: they castrate us, kidnap us, curse us, and choke us....
[obscenity for the advancement of poetry 7]
derision settled into the stone of the place
a tree once living now dying
the practice of killing extended...
Everyday Whimsy
I want my photographs to tell stories. And I want stories that come from moments of life, like a still from an old movie. Movement and pain and the...