
The editors of phoebe are pleased to announce that for Issue 54.1, phoebe will be a paying market! See our guidelines below for pay rates and more details on how to send us your work!


phoebe is a journal of literature and art which publishes twice each year: one print issue each winter, and a contest issue each spring, made up of the winners, runners up, and honorable mentions from submissions to our annual contests in poetry, fiction and nonfiction. 


Winter Print Issue: Open for submissions from August 15th to October 15th.

Contest Issue: Open for submissions from January 15th to March 15th.

Submission Guidelines

  • We only accept submissions via our online submission portal, Submittable.
  • We do not consider previously published work.
  • We welcome multiple submissions, but each should follow the guidelines below:
    • We do not have a strict word limit for prose; however, work over 4,000 words will need to be extraordinary.
    • Regarding flash prose, we are happy to accept up to three pieces of less than 1,000 words each. Please paste these together in a single document and submit them via the standard fiction or nonfiction portal.
    • Poetry submissions should contain 3-5 poems, totaling no more than ten pages. Please include all poems in one document.
    • Writers, we prefer that you submit your work as a Word Document. Visual Artists may use PDFs to submit multiple works of art, but should be prepared with a high-resolution version of their files upon their work’s acceptance to the journal.
  • We allow and encourage simultaneous submissions. If your submission is no longer available for publication, please use our online submission portal to withdraw it as soon as possible. If you need to withdraw a single poem or piece of flash prose, please add a note to your submission and email us at
  • We strive to respond to submissions 30 days after the submissions period closes. If you have not heard from us 60 days after the submissions period closes, feel free to inquire about the status of your submission.
  • If you’ve submitted to phoebe in the past, or if you’ve been published in our journal before, you are welcome to submit your work again.
  • phoebe does not accept submissions from current or former students of George Mason University’s creative writing program or any other affiliates of George Mason University. If you have a question regarding your eligibility, please send us an email at


phoebe is overjoyed to be able to pay its writers and artists $30 per accepted poem, essay, story or piece of visual art. All contributors to the print issue also receive one copy of the journal upon publication. 


The payment of monetary prizes and contributor honorariums are subject to U.S. laws and regulations, including those that prohibit payments to persons from or who reside in countries subject to U.S. sanctions. Questions about these regulations and payment methods can be directed to

Publication Rights

phoebe retains First North American serial rights for all work that we publish. All other rights are the authors, and they revert immediately upon the work’s publication. The work may be republished along with an acknowledgement of its original publication in phoebe

Due to the risk of copyright infringement (and a plethora of other ethical reasons) phoebe does not accept AI-generated writing or visual art at this time. Digital manipulations and digital art are welcome.


Upon publication of your work in phoebe, we ask for the following:

1) First American rights for print publication of the Work in a future issue of Phoebe.

2) Indefinite non-exclusive rights for electronic publication of the Work at, as well as through Phoebe’s social media websites and newsletters.

3) Possible inclusion of the Work in a future anthology published by Phoebe Press.

All other rights remain the author’s.

See what our contributors have done

Best of the Net 2021 Nominees

Welcome to Bad Mom Club” by Marne Litfin, Nonfiction, Issue 50.2

Hooverville” by Natalie Casagran Lopez, Fiction, Issue 50.2

When the Sound of Bleating Calls You Home” by Stephanie Yu, Fiction, Issue 50.2

Best New Poets Nominees

Genevieve DeGuzman, “Close Encounter at Dance Party,” Issue 49.1

Daniel Neff, “Elegy for Camille Monet,” Issue 49.1

2021 Pushcart Prize Nominees


Welcome to Bad Mom Club” by Marne Litfin, Issue 50.2
Memories of Ace, in Reverse Chronological Order” by Megan Falley, Issue 50.2
Another Word for Gone” by Jessica Rapisarda, Issue 50.2


Hooverville” by Natalie Casagran Lopez, Issue 50.2
When the Sound of Bleating Calls You Home” by Stephanie Yu, Issue 50.2
North of Wilshire” by Isabella Welch, Issue 50.1

2020 Pushcart Prize Nominees

Manhunt” by Kira Homsher, Nonfiction, Issue 49.2

Air People” by Leslie Johnson, Fiction, Issue 49.1

2019 Pushcart Prize Nominees


Mac McCaskill, “Bones”
Fiction, Issue 48.1, January 2019

Jessica Kinnison, “Pal”
Nonfiction, Issue 48.1, January 2019

Tyler Barton, “The Idler”
Fiction, Issue 48.2, May 2019

S.G. Veil, “Porches”
Nonfiction, Issue 48.2, May 2019


Laura Romeyn, “Overlook”
Poetry, Issue 48.1, January 2019

Larissa Szporluk, “Epiphyte”
Poetry, Issue 48.2, May 2019