Category: Features

Honest Conversation: the state of online publishing

Blog Josh Ambrose

I watched for a bit, then got bored and exited the window.

Frankly, a lot of literary online publishing today strikes me as similarly problematic......

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Another year, another all new chapter to Phoebe…

Blog Josh Ambrose

After a good bit of work, we're happy to introduce the new, improved, updated Phoebe website. It's much more than just design retooling--we're quite enthused to...

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Phoebe’s First-Ever Nonfiction Contest! UPDATED

Phoebe's first-ever nonfiction contest! $250 Grand Prize. Runners up published online. Phoebe is also excited to welcome Shauna Cross (novelist and screenwriter of "Whip It!") as the judge. ...

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2009 Greg Grummer Poetry Contest and Winter Fiction Contest Results

The results are in. Here are Phoebe‘s 2009 Contest Winners and Finalists. Greg Grummer Poetry Contest Judge: Bin Ramke Winner: Sarah Blackman – “That Bloody Hammer” Honorable...

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Winter Fiction Contest Results

We can now announce our Winter Fiction Contest Results – sorry about the wait; we’ve been sending out results in the mail for the past few days, and since those are done, here’s the...

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Nominations for Best New Poets 2008

Phoebe is happy to announce our two nominations for the 2008 issue of best new poets: Liberty Heise, for “The Dingo Falters” & Jess Rown, for her untitled visual poem Both poems...

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Poetry Contest Winner!

Thank you to everyone who supported Phoebe by entering our 2008 Greg Grummer Poetry Contest. I’m very happy to announce that our judge, Peter Gizzi, has selected “Satire on La Playa a Las...

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New Phoebe!

As Ryan mentioned previously, the new issue is out, and we’re quite happy with it! We hope you will be too. We should have the cover image and some sample work online soon, but in the meantime,...

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Spring 08 Issue printing soon

A few things before we break for winter: We’ve received bluelines from the printer and it looks like we’ll have to make a few changes – I’m not sure how much this will affect...

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Greg Grummer Poetry Contest, 2008

Phoebe is again sponsoring its annual Greg Grummer Poetry Award contest. The author of the winning poem will receive $1000 and publication in the Fall 2008 issue of Phoebe. Peter Gizzi will judge. We...

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