Last modified: May 14, 2023
phoebejournal| May 15, 2023| Online Issue Pieces, Poetry
For Wesley Gibson
Often I have imagined myself arguing
Softly w/ the wind & wake the way oars
Slip in & out of the murk barely a splash
A quiet night on an empty bridge me & my
Basket of pears I might be carrying just
To drop one in after another so casually
My teacher flung himself from a bridge
So romantically suicide sounds bizarre
In the mouth his life ended like a sentence
First subject then predicate then period
How simply words fall onto another & kiss
Each other w/ the smallest slips of space
Yours are the most kissed lips in the world
Imagine his the most kissed lips in the bay
RJ EQUALITY INGRAM works as a necromancer for a nonprofit in Portland, Oregon where they bring used books back to life. RJ holds an MFA from Saint Mary’s College of California with concentrations in poetry & creative nonfiction. More work can be found in Miniskirt Magazine, The Poet Heroic, & White Stag among others. RJ’s cat Brenda lost a leg in a scansion accident.
Art: “Swan Pieta” by Virgil Suárez, Digital Collage
Last modified: May 14, 2023
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