Last modified: January 21, 2024
Phoebe Literature| January 26, 2024| Poetry, Print Issues
He was a two-pack-a-day smoker, on bad days
three, and once on a smoke break explained
how he first discovered cigarettes
when he was 10, with his friend, sticking a clothes hanger
into a locked drawer
in his uncle’s nightstand—a drawer that opened
just a crack and contained solely
a pistol and the pack.
If they’d been able to use the hanger to lift the pistol
it would have been a gunshot:
We were boys
eyes only for trouble
and a hunger for destruction they can’t explain, even now—
but because they could reach the cigarettes instead
it will likely be cancer and
to a question I didn’t ask
he said, Yes I do wish
it were the gun
some days
Ginger Ayla (she/her) is a writer and poet who lives in Denver. She’s a grant writer by day and also volunteers as Editor-in-Chief of The Poetry Lab’s Resource Center. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Phoebe Journal, Grist, Cleaver, Heavy Feather Review, Ghost City Review, Sky Island Journal, and elsewhere.
Art: “Look” by Kateryna Bortsova
Oil on canvas
Last modified: January 21, 2024
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