Last modified: May 14, 2023
phoebejournal| May 15, 2023| Online Issue Pieces, Poetry
even after the sun lifts
& does its best to burn off the fog
risen around our clearing
it clings to the banks
bruised by your hipbones
by the hard ground
still asleep, you sense my wake
& pull me close
we are tidal
we are brine
my body wants to be
by your body
why can’t we
if I’m trying to be honest
this is a story a quick prayer
for the oysters
purchased last night from the bed
of a pick-up truck
to shuck for breakfast I
don’t know the difference
between a white oak
& a water oak
between deer island
& cedar key
is this golden rod?
is this gold?
I’d call it an aubade but
neither of us leaves
you are sharp
I gleam
STACEY BALKUN is the author of Sweetbitter & co-editor of Fiolet & Wing. Winner of the 2019 New South Writing Contest, her work has appeared in Best New Poets, Mississippi Review, Pleiades, & several other anthologies & journals. Stacey holds an MFA from Fresno State & teaches online at The Poetry Barn and The Loft. She currently works as Coordinator for the Graduate and Undergraduate English programs at the University of New Orleans.
Art: “43” by M P Pratheesh, Photograph of an Installation
Last modified: May 14, 2023
Phoebe Journal
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