Table of Contents
Special Feature
- Collaborative Poetry
- Lightsey Darst,
- “{Survivor}“
- “{need}“
- Paul Fattaruso, from Village Carved from an Elephant’s Tusk
- Catie Crabtree, “Hi-Def Antarctica”
- Rusty Morrison,
- Dawn Lonsinger,
- “Kidney Village”
- “Sucralose”
- “Storage”
- Brett DeFries,
- “Tender”
- “Parable”
- Emily Carr, “Thirteen Ways of Happily (1st Draft)”
- Cathy Eisenhower, from ASS
- Jack Christian, “As Surely”
- J.E. Kielsgard, from Colony
- Toby Wray, “Foreign to the Woods”
- Matt Anserello,
- “Scuzzoid Kid in a Tree”
- “Yes, Josher, Things Are Good”
- Charlie Malone,
- “Dear Pedro Bourbon’s World Series Ring,”
- “Dear Study Over Vitebsk,”
- “Homing”
- Matthew Hittinger,
- “Triangulated”
- “To Euclid on the Geometry of Behavior”
- “IV. Triptych of Brooklyn Bridge, Marriott Room 556”
- Dylan Lee, “Immaculate”
- Jenn Scott, “The Women Go”
- Craig Curtis, “Wondrous Strange”
- Edward Hagelstein, “Two Dollars In Change”
- Paul Catanese, front cover, fore-edge painting, & center-spread artwork