Here it is

Jane Feinsod

where the head splits 
open and a goat
crawls out. Like
it knows something.
Takes a tongue
to water. Pisses
toward Nebraska.
Curls into a bushel
of honeysuckle.
Suspects nothing,
does not know how.
Only wants to have
what it has.
To eat peaches
and cardboard.
To live in shrubbery
and sniff at nectar.
To keep its skin
a little longer.
Here it is,
in the flowers,

Jane Feinsod is a poet and educator living in Philadelphia. She received her MFA from UMass Amherst, where she was named a Rose Fellow. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Redivider, The Arkansas International, The Worcester Review, and elsewhere.

Artwork: “Ceremony” by Shagufta Mulla

Acrylic on 10×10 cradled wood panel

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