Poetry Justin Sirois

...we just talk directly at the thing– like your

body is a temple, but it’s squishy & I love

to put my face in it. The man who


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The North Side

Nonfiction Amy Monticello

When I was fifteen, my father re-enlisted in a war I didn’t know he had been fighting. He wanted to move back to the north side, he said. Back to the...

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Blog Daniel D'Angelo

Klatt, if I may fabricate events, won the 2010 Iowa Poetry Prize by terrorizing the rural Midwest with his army of flying squids. More truthfully, he did this...

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Visual Art Jennifer Stone

Drawings become quiet tributes to the calculated work required in the cultivation of land, the plodding of the deepest shadow as it creeps across a...

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The Love-Hate Theses in 10 Parts

Fiction Melissa Goodrich

Nurse lifts up a band at the baby’s ankle and turns it over for identification. “A little girl,” Nurse says, as if she hadn’t just seen the...

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Poetry Margaret Walther

the chartreuse breath of moths. poppy seeds brushed by shadow.

at night the heart gathers fragments—the heart never sleeps....

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The Teacher & the Tuner

Poetry Matthew St. Amand

Pianos on planes had only recently come into vogue; skeptics abounded, the naysayers were legion, but ultimately the piano lobby had won out.


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Phoebe’s first-ever Twitter contest!

1). Follow us on Twitter @PhoebeJournal.

2). Tweet us some superb prose or poetry--in 140 characters or less!

3). The three best tweets received by the end of April, as judged by us,...

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The Problem with Brigadoon

Fiction Marianne Jay

I was supposed to be funny crazy, not crazy crazy. There’s a difference. Funny crazy is wearing tinfoil hats and washing your hands until they bleed and...

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Gasoline Chainsaw Jesus

Poetry Joe Hall

Forest blinking in stuttering out, soiling itself under

The moon’s sterile spotlight, forgetting its name

Snatching as much Sudafed as we could......

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