Category: Poetry


Hailey June Gross after Jericho Brown and SZA  lie by myself at night, let hands trace lips, puzzle- piece together the tips—what i really mean is they dip in my pussy. stop ’em in...

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All You Need Is Love

Luis Lopez-Maldonado I   am   made   of   water   Soy agua   fresca agua   caliente ardiente   agua  that ...

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Lauren Saxon bones. about kneecaps. how easily they dimple the earth’s wet surface. this poem is about kneeling. consider the body’s position. the way our limbs fold into one another. the way...

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Mens Rea

Kurt David Due respect to the Weather Girls, but raining men would be the worst possible forecast. I’m not saying I don’t eat peaches with aplomb, I’m just saying I’m sick of alt-right...

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Acorns in the City

Gregory Calabro after Marianne Moore   drop from treetops          onto the harsh sidewalk in turn—                      tens,                     ...

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The Pistol & the Pack

Ginger Ayla He was a two-pack-a-day smoker, on bad days three, and once on a smoke break explained    how he first discovered cigarettes   when he was 10, with his friend, sticking a clothes...

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Os est Os

Andrew Payton Each tooth grinds to fit its partner.  In my valley, centuries of wheat   spilled soil to reveal boulders  fanged by the dirt-trickle of rain—   is it violence, the hare in coyote...

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On Prayer

Joy David God could kill you and blame it on a bear. Being taught as I was about investing   exclusively in car stocks, I was never awake to the possibility of heaven cleaning its teeth.   Faith...

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Little Girl, What Preparations Are You Making for Eternal Life?

Crystal Cox Since you asked, I’m answering with alien abduction stories, period underpants, midday séances under a tree, hoarding those bathroom towels with the fancy stitching, a few cans of...

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Nancy Mitchell As you grew it grew. A foghorn moaned in a sea        of soybeans. Nothing      the cop said, to see here.   But you stayed and waited until you saw your face—         a...

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