Matt Trease This Light Within Dirt This living grid in midnight dining with tiny bird pickings this trick within thinking Light Trip Within Bird Cry 1. within this lightning 2. with...
Emily Rose Cole Night of hacksaw wind & tick-fat moon, of dog groan & failed medication, night I’m filling with letters to the body I can’t sleep in: Dear body, get your shit...
Anita Olivia Koester after Jamaal May Girl with glitter wings painted on either cheek, spread purple up cheek bones. Girl with pink ribbons tied to handle bars, girl with purple bike...
Dylan Krieger and then the oinklets wriggle out of me in all their mammary glamor, in their interminable gallows laugh of nothing left but bereft receptacles and pentacles that lift. on top of...
Victoria Bosch Murray This really happened. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway when she was three months pregnant, six years his senior. My sister loved quartz when she was still...
Laura Buccieri eats ice cream in the snow in february in new york because they’re on vacation and nothing else matters except that they are not where they normally are something else is...
Caroline Chavatel Around the corner, a photograph of a painting of a meteorite and behind it, a childhood swirled into color. The debris is the art, surviving impact. Outside is a security...
Jessica Lee As a child, I called all beautiful creatures she: mallard ducks with emerald heads, male peacocks with their royal trains. All caterpillars, likewise, were women,...
Peter Streckfus 1. We’ll eat figs, black ones, dried while it rains outside, while it rains through the doors and windows There will be very little speaking during the meal mostly tasting...