Hasheemah Afaneh I thought I would remember the nurse’s name, but I was naive to think my memory wouldn’t fail to recall the name on her white coat, despite whispering it a few times to myself....
Lori Yeghiayan Friedman and find my dead and dying language, the one that I don’t speak. Everyone knows it: I am the killer, always have been. I am guilty, no trial needed. Murderer though I...
Abigail Ham 2023 Spring Nonfiction Contest Winner I Fight and flight are the typical human reactions to threat, but they’re not the only possibilities. Children in general can’t fight or...
Maeve Barry 2023 Spring Fiction Contest Winner Janet lies in the bathtub with the phone shouldered to her ear. In a long lace dress with its back zipper open. It sags off her chest. She sits in her...
Julie Marie Wade Maybe it starts here: bright swatch of color behind the closet door, yellow as a fisherman’s slicker. The swatter, they called it, and you thought about it even when you weren’t...
Allison Field Bell My grandmother Ethel: I never met her. She died when my mother was twenty-one. Breast cancer that spread to the brain. She raised seven children. She was a naval officer in World...
“Tea Party in the Mountains” Van Lanigh VAN LANIGH is a Russian artist based in the Netherlands. She had a tough childhood with abusive parents and made the first attempt to run from home when...
Celia Cummiskey A young Roman woman walks along the bank of the river Tamesis. She is thinking perhaps of her parent’s home some hundreds of miles away from Londinium where she now lives, or of...
“The Golden Net” “The Mallows (Nostalgia)” Nataliia Burmaka NATALIIA BURMAKA graduated from the National Studio of Fine Arts of Boris Danchenko (Sumy, Ukraine) in 1999 and worked...
“Lock In” Leslie Brown LESLIE BROWN lives in the Washington, DC area. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from American University. Her published work crosses creative disciplines including short...