Timothy Johnson In storytelling, endings are essential. I’m aware of the school of thought that stories aren’t about the endings but the journey; however, as a writer, I usually don’t even...
Megan Pillow Here’s a secret: every night when I go to sleep, I put my dog Lucy’s collar under my pillow. When I toss and turn, I hear the jingle of the tags. It was the sound of her in the...
Christian Stanzione Paradox isn’t the problem we take it for. Our want, or at least mine until the past few years of academic dithering, is to think of paradox as a sort of unsolvable dialectic—a...
Christian Stanzione What the erasure is is hard to pin down. In one sense, it is a new poem but the kind of poem that renders the reader hyper aware that language is a cultural hand-me-down. In...
Timothy Johnson Phoebe 51.1 is ready to read. It’s soaring through the air (and perhaps trans-continental fiber optic cables, a reference you’ll get if you read the issue) to your computer,...
Kevin Binder An unexpected outcome of my MFA experience is that it’s deepened my appreciation for voice and style in fiction writing. Not that my literary tastes were all that refined to begin...
As a team of writers and creators, we know that submitting to journals can feel like a daunting and opaque process. As we continue to accept submissions for phoebe’s Fall 2021 issue, we thought it...
As a reader, I’m not the biggest fan of letters from editors. Digging through phoebe’s archives, as I am wont to do, because I’m a big nerd, it’s clear someone agreed with me. At one time in...
Temperatures are climbing in our hometown of Fairfax, Virginia, and the drone of our local brood of 17-year cicadas is so loud that we can hear it inside, fan running, windows closed. We’ve held...
“Goodbyes always make my throat hurt. I need more hellos.” Charlie Brown When it comes to personal notes like this, I tend to think that someone else has already expressed how I feel better than...