Category: Visual Art

Visual Artist: Pilar Mehlis

  Chrysaor’s Spoils Altar Eres  La Ronda  Xanthan Investigation 2 Horns of Plenty Pilar Mehlis was born in Manhattan, NYC. She grew up in La Paz, Bolivia until, at the age of twelve,...

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Everyday Whimsy

Visual Art Heather Evans Smith

I want my photographs to tell stories. And I want stories that come from moments of life, like a still from an old movie. Movement and pain and the...

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Weird Acrylics

Visual Art Fabio Sassi

Sassi makes his acrylics using both positive and negative homemade stencils along with found tiny objects like nuts, bolts, rings, clips, circlips, washers,...

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Observed and invented color

Visual Art Meredith Steele

She moves color around the surface and plops it quickly into positive and negative spaces. Edges are often repainted to keep them bold and contrasting....

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Complex Relationships

Visual Art Erik Pennebaker

He travels extensively and says that for him, photography is a way of organizing and making meaning of diverse memories and experiences......

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Everyday Experiences

Featured Art Emily Stokes

The linocuts featured here draw inspiration from indulgent holiday party spreads, seasonal rituals, and visits to regional tourist meccas. Each print...

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Visual Art Jennifer Stone

Drawings become quiet tributes to the calculated work required in the cultivation of land, the plodding of the deepest shadow as it creeps across a...

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“Fire Play” and “These City Lights”

Featured Art Abram Landes

Award-winning photographer Abram Landes is excited to open an archive of never-before-shown images to Phoebe......

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“Many Muses”

Featured Art Linda Plaisted

A pioneer in contemporary photographic illustration and photomontage, each piece of artwork she creates is layered by hand with images she has captured...

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