by Ashlen Renner I don’t know what is going on with my TikTok algorithm, but I’ve been getting a lot of deer videos on my For You page: Deer crashing through convenience store windows, doorbell...
“Alex at the Pool” Acrylic on canvas “Humpback Whales, Mother and Daughter” Acrylic on canvas Lesley Goodyear draws inspiration for many of her paintings from the landscapes...
“Lady Silence” Digital Anna Maeve is a jill of all trades hailing from New Zealand. She is a Women in Art Award Finalist 2023. You can view more of her work at
Purchase a copy of Issue 53.1 here Fiction I Don’t Want Me Either by Carly Alaimo No One is Coming to Save You by Sarah Bradley The Bayou by Amy DeBellis Stray Bullets by Lacy Arnett...
Sam Paul My mother is screaming and crying on the phone. Her voice shakes with rage. “You’d be so pretty if you’d fix your teeth,” she stammers. “But you don’t care about being...
Hope Henderson 1. I keep your memories, or shadows of your memories. Memories once removed. I remember, for instance, the woman you loved before me, the one I never met: her hair blond and damp in...
Kayann Short What happened to him? And to his wife—meaning his ex-wife, so I’d heard. They’d lived on the lake road in a towering barn that had been in his family for generations, so much a...
Debra Dean Because it’s 1964, birth is still an act of revelation. An x-ray has confirmed that our mother is carrying twins, but shows nothing else, not the babies’ genders or if they are forming...
Helena Olufsen We arrive in mojito-scented fogs and splay the contents of our suitcases across every bed, dresser, and chaise lounge. Our new home is a white sandstone palace with tall arch doorways,...