Tag: 52.2

Pearl River

Stacey Balkun even after the sun lifts  & does its best to burn off the fog risen around our clearing  it clings to the banks bruised by your hipbones  by the hard ground still...

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When Your Ex-Fiancé Calls

Bellee Jones-Pierce When your ex-fiancé calls you should be busy.   Let him feel the lush delight of interrupting  something. Have soapy hands, something risky  and pungent...

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Sometimes the Going

Leigh Claire Schmidli It’s not often the case, but we’re all hungry for dinner about the same time that night. Me and Anka, my landlady. Her fat-cat Bazo. We collide in the tiny kitchen, circling...

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Pastoral Fragment

Rachel RothenbergWinner of the 2023 Greg Grummer Poetry Prize Somerset County, Pennsylvania Half a cow is disappeared from the farm in Berlin, a two-ton Holstein, it makes  the paper. Gone the...

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