Tag: 51.1

Your Father’s Body

Katie Bannon You find your father’s body by the kitchen sink. Hands clutching his heart, eyes shiny as marbles. Your mother’s scream cracks the quiet of the winter evening. Her mouth opens so...

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Michelle Matthees Like a barn door wide open: there was your O. Everything else was burned away, no hair, giant puckers inward like a flattened rubber flower. In front of the train station I passed...

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If I’m My Own Spirit Animal It Would Serve Me Right

Jeffrey Morgan There’s a barn owl that nests somewhere on our street. Reports differ. I’ve named her Ghost Face Junior and will correct people. Imagine her eyes dark marbles in the...

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My Brother’s Lab

Hunt Hawkins The elevator opens on the 19th floorto a room full of hay, bleating sheep and goats,a loose rooster looking for grain.Through the windows we see the bright Palisadesand in the haze the...

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Kira K Homsher Two shirtless teenage boysPlay ball across the street.They dart in and out of my little square of vision,Casting long evening shadows downThe sidewalk. Oh, one of them has dropped The...

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AM Ringwalt If there was          a rose          in the meadowIf there was          a rose          in your palm Meadow          in the palm          like a...

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Aimee Wright Clow Three toes fall over the line, severed at just the right place so thefoot does not bleed. The foot walks away and the toes becomeseeds, slowly wriggling into the mud-line where they...

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Teddy’s Tadpoles

Zebulon Huset He didn’t tell me, and I shouldn’t have been snooping—but—how much privacy should a five year-old have? Finding his post-it diary was adorable until I noticedthe wavy pages...

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The Losing

Michael Mark Soon we’d loseher language – a crooner breaking                          into jazz – grunts, coos, teeth...

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