| Visual Art


Visual Art Jennifer Stone

Drawings become quiet tributes to the calculated work required in the cultivation of land, the plodding of the deepest shadow as it creeps across a forest bed, and the startling presence of the brightest light as it cuts through a bank of trees…

Jennifer Stone is a painter who earned her MFA at the University of New Hampshire.  She paints and draws out of her home studio in Herndon, VA.

Drawing  is also memory, testimony, accurate visual depiction equipped with its own completion or stenographic recording, to which one entrusts an image, seen or even just thought of, in order not to forget it. –wall statement at Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

“Drawing quietly informs and challenges my paintings,” says Ms. Stone. “Drawings become quiet tributes to the calculated work required in the cultivation of land, the plodding of the deepest shadow as it creeps across a forest bed, and the startling presence of the brightest light as it cuts through a bank of trees.”

“Images that remain bound by their rectangular format also swell into forms that travel well beyond their frames. Marks within each drawing speak to moments of observation, whether actively seen or called upon by memory. A constant dialog between compression and freedom and life and memory creates a confusion of space. My challenge then, remains how to clarify that space.”

“Drawings evolve over time. Each image relies just as heavily on what lies underneath or what came before as it does on the freshest stroke.  Very slowly, a brooding nature seems to take control of the image revealing less gloom than thoughtfulness.  Contemplation of the idea of landscape becomes more important than the landscape itself. Time spent in this contemplation brings me once again to my studio and the necessity to marry what I see and what my memory shows me.”

3 Replies to “Sketches”

  1. Mike says:

    These 3 are all lovely and so well done.

  2. Nicole says:

    Just beautiful! I’d love to see more 🙂

  3. jennbcuk says:

    I love these! I like that the artist becomes part of the painting by letting the image simmer in the mind…
    Well done!