She wrapped my little hand inside her long, thick fingers and guided me up the aisle toward a line of crying women. When it came my turn to walk up, I...
Why nonfiction?
You’ve probably noticed that Phoebe is taking a big step: We’re now accepting nonfiction submissions.
That’s the...
Are You Sure You Want to Shut Down…?
I stare at electronic screens a lot. I watch television and play video games, and half the time I listen to music I’m mesmerized by iTunes’ Visualizer......
Telling Our Stories
Lisa Tracy's most recent book, Objects of Our Affection, is a work that combines history and memoir to tell the tale of objects that are part of...
Honest Conversation: the state of online publishing
I watched for a bit, then got bored and exited the window.
Frankly, a lot of literary online publishing today strikes me as similarly problematic......
fly three to four weeks after hatching. mercy.
grown, they aren’t picky with food but hoard
scattered caches carefully. the sown ground.
plus tuck bills beneath feathers for later
Another year, another all new chapter to Phoebe…
After a good bit of work, we're happy to introduce the new, improved, updated Phoebe website. It's much more than just design retooling--we're quite enthused to...
life span in the wild exactly average. not year-round
we are not this residence yet, but should be.
magpied twice as often minus abundance,
these ages openly passerine......
The Burial Party
On the morning of the cease-fire we set off to meet the Turkish delegation in the poppy field above the beach....I asked Ricky Rumbold why it took wounded...
Before Fairbanks, Alaska
Home's a shed and wood-pile. Home is bones. It might travel with you, if you ask it to, but you rarely ever ask it to. Home is a dog you love because...