Larissa Szporluk Maybe I had a baby with my father. Maybe I’m lying. Maybe I wish I had a father, then a baby, then another baby, then a break— what use is a child, or a finger? If we had...
Mary Jo Amani Pay careful attention lest with all the fluctuations of thoughts the greening power which you have from God dries up in you. —Hildegard von Bingen writing to an Abbot 1 I bought an...
From Issue 39.2 Janann Dawkins The chlorophyll remains in leaf: the limbsretain their hair: the trees do not believethe sun will set on them. They think the filmof heat is normal—that it will...
From Issue 1.1 (Spring 1972) Jim Everhard In the darkness the moon opensand there is nothing but lightin the twists of its mind,the unthought of dreamsof dead men bending back toward the...
Kathryne David Gargano the boy says: devils cannot move human semen locally! he cries it in the streets, flogging his papers / so sensational, this boy— he forgets so earnestly the way women are...
From Issue 7.3 Ed Lynskey Call me a gravedigger.By night I shovel themoist moments awaytill the empty depthcan hold my heart, my injured heart.Still she lies like a smirking shadowin the bottom of...
Chelsea Dingman “The truth is, that every death is violent.”-Samuel Johnson Then, let me know the violence of the last day of sun. The violence of a thousand orphaned forget-me-nots,...
Moira J. I am borne of cactus fruit and seeds from the mesquite tree—my arms are weatherworn and I dream of dancing, my legs giving way to tallow and meat, bones being worked into needles and...
Johnny Damm Benjamin Patterson (1934-2016) Johnny Damm is the author of Science of Things Familiar (The Operating System, 2017) and the chapbooks Your Favorite Song (Essay Press, 2016) and The...
2017 Greg Grummer Poetry Award Winner, Chosen by Monica Youn Jennifer Givhan My last time in the underworld I followed a tiger the book said tigers could be...