The Teacher & the Tuner
Pianos on planes had only recently come into vogue; skeptics abounded, the naysayers were legion, but ultimately the piano lobby had won out.
Phoebe’s first-ever Twitter contest!
1). Follow us on Twitter @PhoebeJournal.
2). Tweet us some superb prose or poetry--in 140 characters or less!
3). The three best tweets received by the end of April, as judged by us,...
The Problem with Brigadoon
I was supposed to be funny crazy, not crazy crazy. There’s a difference. Funny crazy is wearing tinfoil hats and washing your hands until they bleed and...
Gasoline Chainsaw Jesus
Forest blinking in stuttering out, soiling itself under
The moon’s sterile spotlight, forgetting its name
Snatching as much Sudafed as we could......
Birthday Trip to Père La Chaise
It’s February and we’re standing beneath a gray, birdless sky. Arm in arm eating mangosteens purchased from a wrinkled old man in a woolen hat and...
“Fire Play” and “These City Lights”
Award-winning photographer Abram Landes is excited to open an archive of never-before-shown images to Phoebe......
Clean Song
If this is weeping, it isn’t; it’s
The shuttered mouth of a flooded subway
It’s bees iced in their hives, a crocus’ spears......
Overnight, something happens between the two hemispheres of my brain: a tiff, a quarrel, an all-out brawl. The universe unravels in my hands; its spiral...
The Worst That Could Happen
You’re lost. The gunmen don’t speak English. You forgot you had a test and you’re naked and it’s a shop test and you crush something vital in the...