Siamak Vossoughi There was a lie running straight down the middle of their town. As long and straight as Forest Avenue. The boy had been aware of the lie for some time now, but as soon as he...
Brian Doyle Thanks for your submission to the magazine. I’m honored that you thought to give us the chance to read it. It doesn’t quite fit here, though, thus this note, to say, as gently...
noun | cor·us·ca·tion | \ˌkȯr-ə-ˈskā-shən, ˌkär-\ Definition: 1: a sudden gleam or flash of light 2: a striking display of brilliance or wit As a child, nothing seemed so...
Jon Woodward She had her feet replaced by leg extensions! She’s a different person than I once thought. I’ve mostly been able to sustain the loss. I’ve amortized the loss...
Anna Potter 1. At sixteen years old, I have “never been kissed,” a phrase I find politically and personally loathsome. I am six feet tall, capable of biking eighty miles a...
Christopher Citro The way you want it is— you hope to be flying then realize you are flying. I’ve eaten blackberries from your hand where they’re warm from July and your hand. I...
Zach Powers He was a little gray moon. Small enough to be held in the palm of one’s hand. But a moon is too heavy for that. He would center his orbit on the object of his attention. He...
Leslie Pietrzyk You really hammer down the nail, my boyfriend says the second he swipes shut this phone call. Thank you? Not a compliment, he says. I arrange a hurt, pouty look on my face, a...
Ira Sukrungruang My father had a porno collection. Because I was alone most of the night—my parents worked the night shift—I was in the habit of snooping through their desks and drawers....
Anne Panning —from my mother: her measuring tape, golden and waxy, spiraled from storage in her sewing basket. It’s a gangly ten-footer, built for quilts and bridal veils; I wear it like a...