Rachel Rothenberg
Winner of the 2023 Greg Grummer Poetry Prize
Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Half a cow is disappeared from the farm
in Berlin, a two-ton Holstein, it makes
the paper. Gone the haunches, gone the ears
tagged. Possession pierced by the living world
vertebrae notched clean beneath the heart
half abandoned hillside, half ascended
under stadium lamps, tarred schoolhouse road
Blame it on the hungry ghosts, the acid lake
Blame it on the chemtrails that retrace
benign conspiracies of dust and blight
our hemispheres riven through, the mind
divided. Choose the missing, the fugitive
tail and hooves made off with thieves and all
is forgiven, as if they might lift upright
haloed from the stoop of clavicles, ribs
laced shut like a clenched prayer. Imagine
what crack in faith will cut us all into cross
sections—the coins of marrow and bone
open stars of the spinal column, black holes
our heretic drive to gird these disparate
parts incendiary under sodium bulbs
the sallow flush of the night lit open
hot on the cheek of the half splayed broken
the half that demands we know it lived
Rachel Rothenberg
RACHEL ROTHENBERG is an Associate Editor at Barrow Street Press and the coordinator of the Barrow Street Prose Series. She holds a MA in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature from Brown University and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Rhode Island. Other poems are forthcoming in About Place Journal and Shenandoah.
Art: “Harvest Moon” by Elizabeth Schoonmaker, Watercolour and Gouache